Showing of 44 total

  1. Top Seller
    Lavender, Maillette Essential Oil - 10ml
    $33.99 Retail
    $26.95 W/S

    25 BV

    25 QV

    Lavender Essential Oil is the perfect choice for unwinding from a stressful day or drifting off into a peaceful, deep sleep. This plant essence offers a fantastic, garden-fresh aroma and may also act as a nervous system sedative. You can also use it on skin issues.1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below. 


  2. Top Seller
    Lemon Essential Oil - 10ml
    $18.99 Retail
    $14.95 W/S

    14 BV

    14 QV

    Lemon Essential Oil is a great go-to for cleaning and stimulating the senses. Whether you’re diffusing it to detox your home or support inward purification, this fresh plant essence has a lot to offer both your body and spirit.1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below. 


  3. Lemongrass Essential Oil - 10 ml
    $23.99 Retail
    $18.95 W/S

    17 BV

    18 QV

    Known primarily for its potential skin purifying and tightening effects, Lemongrass is one of the most popular essential oils to diffuse. This fresh, herbaceous-scented plant essence also offers many potential benefits for the immune system and skin.1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below. 


  4. Marjoram, Sweet Essential Oil - 10ml
    $36.99 Retail
    $29.95 W/S

    29 BV

    28 QV

    Marjoram Essential Oil is a great go-to for general care of muscles, joints, bones, and respiratory systems. Ancient cultures also hailed it as a mood booster, which it is still used for today.1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below. 


  5. Myrrh Essential Oil - 5ml
    $59.99 Retail
    $47.95 W/S

    45 BV

    46 QV

    Myrrh is an ancient, healing essential oil many use today for dental hygiene, skin ointments, and as a tonic for thyroid issues. Diffuse its warm, radiant scent to channel feelings of stillness and compassion.1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below.


  6. Niaouli Essential Oil - 10 ml
    $23.99 Retail
    $18.95 W/S

    17 BV

    18 QV

    Though it is best known for its antibacterial and antiseptic qualities, Niaouli Essential Oil is also known to be beneficial to the respiratory system and brain. Diffuse this earthy, fruity plant essence to channel feelings of authenticity and creativity.1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below. 

    COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Madagascar

  7. Top Seller
    Orange, Sweet Essential Oil - 10ml
    $18.99 Retail
    $14.95 W/S

    14 BV

    14 QV

    Orange Oil is one of the top-produced essential oils in the world, and it's easy to see why! It can help balance body systems like the thyroid and lymph nodes; it also promotes an uplifted, energized emotional state with its fresh citrus scent.1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below. 


  8. Oregano Essential Oil - 10ml
    $40.99 Retail
    $32.95 W/S

    32 BV

    31 QV

    You’ve likely used this herb in your kitchen, but did you know it has many healing qualities? Oregano Essential Oil is known for its antibiotic properties, as well as its capacity to promote wellness through aromatherapy.1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below. 

  9. Palmarosa Essential Oil - 10ml
    $33.99 Retail
    $26.95 W/S

    24 BV

    25 QV

    When it comes to all-natural skincare, Palmarosa Oil offers a gentler alternative to Tea Tree Oil. When diffused, its floral aroma makes a pleasant addition to any home and may even encourage an uplifted mood!1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below. 


  10. Patchouli Essential Oil - 10 ml
    $36.99 Retail
    $29.95 W/S

    28 BV

    29 QV

    While Patchouli Oil is widely used to make skin ointments, it also offers potential health benefits for the immune and reproductive systems, to name a few. Your emotional well-being may also benefit from exposure to this earthy, warm oil.1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below. 

    COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Indonesia

  11. Top Seller
    Peppermint Essential Oil - 10ml
    $33.99 Retail
    $26.95 W/S

    25 BV

    25 QV

    Peppermint is most commonly used to quell the digestive system, but did you know it may also help with headaches, stress, and topical pain relief? If you’re feeling a little sleepy at work, diffuse a bit of this minty fresh oil to perk you back up!1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below. 


  12. Ravensara Essential Oil - 10ml
    $36.99 Retail
    $29.95 W/S

    29 BV

    28 QV

    Ravensara, which is known as “the oil that heals”, is ideal for those who struggle with nervous tension, fatigue, or respiratory issues.1 Enjoy as part of a wellness routine, or use to support one of the body systems listed below. 

    COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Madagascar